

Received Good Design Prize 2005 for Y-House

While colder season are approaching it is with the warmth of gratitude that I received the news from Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization, G-Mark Division ( that my recently completed project Y-House will be one of the recipients of the Good Design Prize 2005 in the category Architecture.
Y-house is a conversion project of an abandoned and unfinished apartment building located in Jingumae in Tokyo, changing the structure from 8 small units to three apartments to meet the client’s intentions. The project started about 2 years ago and was completed a year ago.
The jury mentions in their report: “The detailing takes a new position and the bold approach to adapting the existing structure creates the possibility of an effective utilization of space, as aspect of the project they highly valued”, as well as “the use of new materials and techniques”, the “ecological aspect of the design” and “the social and cultural meaning of the project” ( entry number 05B01020 Y-House

Frank la Rivière 25-10-2005

審査では、「独創的である」「新技術・新素材を巧みに利用している」「“エコロジーデザイン”を実践している」「社会・文化的な価値を誘発している」などにポイントが与えられ、その結果、「ディテールを用いて、他との差別化を計ろうとしている姿勢が新しい。大胆な構造体の再構成によって空間の有効活用が可能になった点は評価できる」という講評となりました(担当審査委員:隈研吾(ユニット長) 芦原太郎 黒崎輝男 塚本由晴 吉岡徳仁)。

フランク・ラ・リヴィエレ 2005-10-25